Junior Bible Quiz



Each Bible Quiz meet consists of several rounds, usually 5 or 6. We usually start at 9:30am and finish by 3:30pm, with a half hour lunch break around noon. Each round, different teams will be matched up against each other.

A match consists of two teams and 3 or 4 officials. Teams can have from 2 to 4 people buzzing in, and subs are allowed during the match. Most teams are 6 or 7 students. Each team also has an adult coach leading them throughout the year (usually a parent). The officials are the Quizmaster (reads the questions and leads the room), Judges (watch the rules and check answers), and the Scorekeeper. Each team is asked to provide 2 officials for the meets.


We live in a world where most of our young people don’t know the Bible at all. Reflection on the Word of God has been found to be the most important element of discipleship. So, how are you helping you students study the Bible?

You may have an effective strategy for this, and if so please share it with me so I can share it with others! But as I’ve traveled, I haven’t seen much activity in this area, other than Bible Quiz.

I’ve learned that over 80% of BQ students are still serving God later in life (compared to 7 out of 10 graduates not attending church one year later). I’ve watched new teams join, and give their students a sense of accomplishment with God’s Word. I’ve seen students under 10 recite great verses of the Bible better than I can.

Interested in starting at JBQ program at your church?

You can start a JBQ program at your church! Just contact us for more information!